
“博彩平台推荐 has a longst和ing reputation as a veteran-friendly employer of choice. 我们深深致力于价值观, 职业生涯, 利益, 以及退伍军人的福利, 军事的配偶, 以及他们的家人. 作为一名海军老兵, I take this commitment personally 和 am honored to continuously strengthen this reputation through meaningful actions.

I am so proud of the many people who have served our country 和 chose to ‘continue the mission’ with 博彩平台推荐 to support National Priority Programs. 事实上, nearly half of all our employee-owners have served in the military at some point in their lives. Our employee-led Servicemember外展 And Referral (SOAR) program is dedicated to supporting these employee-owners, 退伍军人和军人社区, 和 博彩平台推荐’ mission to be an employer of choice for 退伍军人 军人配偶.

So, 你是否正在从你的军事生涯过渡, 曾经或现在是军人配偶, 或者是一个已经在民间工作了几十年的老兵, 像我这样的, 我邀请你与亚洲体育博彩平台一起“继续使命”…… 谢谢你! 为您服务.

——约翰C. Steckel,总裁兼首席执行官


什么是SOAR ??

博彩平台推荐’  Servicemember外展 和转介(SOAR)计划 is an employee-led organization designed to strengthen the camaraderie, 招聘, 新员工培训, 和 morale of fellow veteran 和 military spouse employee-owners through engagement inside 和 outside our company.

SOAR为老员工提供了相互交流的机会, 协助服务人员的过渡, 退伍军人, 军人配偶, 传播关于博彩平台推荐的信息, 参加全公司庆祝军事遗产的活动.



亚洲体育博彩平台欣赏退伍军人的价值. 我们感谢所有退伍军人, 军事的配偶, 以及他们的家人 for their sacrifices to our nation 和 are honored that so many have chosen to bring their experience 和 character to our company.

  • 继续使命



  • SkillBridge实习


    Transitioning Servicemembers: Gain new work experiences 和 grow your skills through h和s on, 个性化培训和教育.

  • 了解员工所有制


    Learn about how this unique no-cost retirement benefit is more than a benefit - it's a culture.


To be able to connect with our veteran community 和 provide potential employment at 博彩平台推荐 has been a humbling experience.
- SOAR会员/资深雇员


识别 & 奖

博彩平台推荐 goes above 和 beyond to recruit, hire, train, 和 retain Veterans. We provide unwavering support to Veterans both within our company 和 in the military community nationwide. 博彩平台推荐 has been recognized publicly by many organizations as a result of the success we’ve had in veteran employment, 进步, 和保留. 在这里查看其他和过去的奖项.


托尼·普劳斯,美国.S. 自2019年以来,海军陆战队退伍军人|员工所有者

托尼·普劳斯最近被授予 G.I. 《博彩平台推荐》杂志“资深员工领导奖”(2023).

Anthony “Tony” Prause is the Vice President/Director responsible for new business 和 overall management 和 oversight of his directorate’s current contracts. Even after 38 years, both in 和 out of uniform, Tony supports our country’s most necessary missions. He earned the respect 和 admiration of those around him by striving toward excellence, 在逆境中适应, 鼓励他的员工,同时强调平衡. 托尼的领导, 适应性, 乐观积极的态度, 和强烈的职业道德确保了亚洲体育博彩平台的成功.


安妮·德拉兹巴,美国.S. 空军老兵|自2020年以来的雇员所有者

安妮·德拉兹巴最近被授予 G.I. 工作的杂志 “Veteran Champion of the Year in Corporate America Award” (2023).

Annie is an 博彩平台推荐 Program Manager 和 Hiring Manager managing multiple, 高技术项目. She recognizes that 退伍军人 have unique experiences 和 skills that make them excellent hires to support national priority programs. 这让她更有动力雇佣和指导老兵, especially transitioning servicemembers pursuing their first civilian career at 博彩平台推荐.安妮对老兵经历的理解, 自然的共鸣, 推动帮助退伍军人获得文职工作, 以及对亚洲体育博彩平台的热爱,都将继续我们强大的招聘经验. 她真的是退伍军人的捍卫者!


埃德·韦克利,美国.S. 自2019年以来,海军陆战队退伍军人|员工所有者

Ed Wakeley最近被授予 G.I. 工作的杂志 “美国企业年度资深冠军”奖(2021年)

埃德支持我们公司的招聘部门. 他在加强征兵方面起着至关重要的作用, 招聘, 保留, 促进职业发展. 他在指导和指导过渡老兵方面做得非常出色. Ed is a respected employee-veteran 和 indispensable Recruiter through the excellence he delivers daily creating opportunities for 退伍军人.



SOAR’s outreach promotes our mission to strengthen 招聘 和 新员工培训 of highly talented 退伍军人 as new 博彩平台推荐 employee-owners. 博彩平台推荐 has worked closely with Transition Assistance Program (TAP) offices nationwide, 弗吉尼亚重视退伍军人, 现在就雇佣退伍军人, 还有许多其他社区组织几十年来一直致力于帮助退伍军人.

通过亚洲体育博彩平台与退伍军人外展项目的联系, 我们以实现这些目标为导向, 把他们带进博彩平台推荐的大家庭. Realizing the untapped potential of our 退伍军人 和 assisting them in their transition is a critical step that separates 博彩平台推荐 from other businesses.
- SOAR会员/资深雇员

博彩平台推荐 participating in a Transition Assistance Program (TAP) career fair at Fort Detrick (MD).

Peter Smith accepting the 弗吉尼亚重视退伍军人 (V3) Award for Veteran 文化 和 Retention with former Virginia Governor, 拉尔夫在平时, 弗吉尼亚州退伍军人和国防事务部长, 卡洛斯·霍普金斯, 以及弗吉尼亚州退伍军人事务部的专员, 约翰L. 纽比二世.




博彩平台推荐 supports numerous charities 和 organizations dedicated to 退伍军人 以及他们的家人. 每年年底的时候, our SOAR Members vote for an organization doing excellent work for 退伍军人 to support. 博彩平台推荐 matches our employees’ donations toward the selected organization. 多年来,我们支持了许多组织,包括:



亚洲体育博彩平台自豪地庆祝每个军种的生日, 以及退伍军人节, 军人配偶感谢日, 以及我们的老员工所取得的成就. Throughout the year, we host several events, one of which you can watch below. 另外, we recognize our employee-退伍军人 who go above 和 beyond in the veteran community by honoring them with the title “In-House Hero” 和 spotlighting their achievements both internally 和 externally.

在过去的5年里,我一直在亚洲体育博彩平台. 我们在这里也是一家人. 这是我不穿制服时的第二个家. 我们是光荣的,我们是专业的. 就好像我们从来没有脱过制服.
- SOAR会员/资深雇员

Paul Abney,内部英雄| 2007年以来的员工老板

Paul Abney获得了当地的认可 ALCOVA抵押贷款 感谢他的志愿工作和对退伍军人社区的奉献. 保罗是一名海军老兵,也是亚洲体育博彩平台的高级分析师. 在日常工作中, 他的火车, 教练, 并指导水手们反潜战的战术和程序. He also uses his first-h和 experience to teach crisis leadership 和 damage control. 工作之余, 在他自己的时间里, Paul works with combat 退伍军人 experiencing post-traumatic stress as a part of the Combat Stress Recovery program as well as the Welcome Home Initiative. The Welcome Home Initiative assists war-zone 退伍军人 suffering from PTSD or moral injury through a three-day retreat-style experience including a series of speakers 和 discussions that give an outline for healing.


用他们自己的话来说, 我们的一些资深员工分享了他们的故事和经历, 他们吸取了教训, 或者只是发自内心的故事. 我们很荣幸他们是我们团队的一员. 

代顿米., U.S. 空军|自2012年以来的雇员所有者

Integrity first, Service before self, Excellence in all we do, are the core values that the U.S. 在我12年的职业生涯中,空军教会了我很多东西. 作为一个年轻的飞行员,我举着相机,面对着很多巨人, 支持人道主义行动, 持久自由行动, 还有很多其他的. 我学到了领导、同志和自我控制的价值. Commitment to one’s country is one thing, but commitment to oneself requires discipline. 在我服役之后,我努力帮助照顾别人, 不管是什么任务, 不管任务是什么, 无论在什么情况下. 这些价值观影响了我在亚洲体育博彩平台的职业生涯. 拥有合适的工具, 正确的领导, 合适的公司, has helped bring out those core values in everything I do as an employee-owner.  

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